Sindre (woksin) Wilting

Sindre (woksin) Wilting

Senior Software Engineer


A passionate software developer, tinkerer and student of the broad field of software engineering and product development. Sindre’s experience spans over several years and the many aspects of software and product development, everything between product inception to maintenance, operations and DevOps.

Through years of working with different technologies, programming languages, paradigms and frameworks he’s developed a profound love for exploration and learning in the fields of software engineering and technology. With an extra love for Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing, Functional Programming and Continuous Delivery mindset it helps pave the way towards deeper understanding and better solutions.

Download my resumé as a PDF.

  • Event Sourcing
  • Event Driven Architecture
  • Actor Systems
  • Distributed Systems
  • Functional Programming
  • Continuous Delivery


Senior Systems Developer
Aug 2023 – Present Oslo, Norway

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DNV - Veracity
Software Engineer
Mar 2023 – Aug 2023 Høvik, Norway

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Aigonix (formerly Dolittle)
OSS Platform Engineer
Jul 2018 – Mar 2023 Oslo, Norway
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Norwegian Red Cross
Software Development Consultant
Apr 2018 – Jun 2018 Oslo, Norway
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Nordkinn Asset Management
IT Analyst
Mar 2018 – Jun 2018 Oslo, Norway
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Norwegian Red Cross
Digital Volunteer Project - Software Development Core Team
Feb 2018 – Dec 2020 Oslo, Norway

Participated in a weekend Hackathon working on Norwegian Red Cross’ CBS (Community Based Surveillance). Became a Core-team member of the project helping with the technical solution on a more regular basis and also helped out during later hackathons that we arranged.

In 2019 we also took the hackathon to Senegal where we over a course of 5 days worked on this project together with enthusiastic and skilled developers there.


University of Oslo
Bachelor Computer Science
Aug 2015 – Jun 2018 Oslo, Norway

Picked subjects that I found the most fun and interesting.

Some of which being:

  • Computer Architecture
  • Information Security
  • Operating System (Very fun since we got to plan and code an OS from scratch 🤓)
  • Biologically Inspired Computing
  • Functional Programming
  • And even more fun stuff 😍


Microsoft Azure Services and Lifecycles
See certificate
Microsoft Azure Management Tools and Security Solutions
See certificate
Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud Services
See certificate